I want to run a competition to find the best finance haiku. This has been inspired by my recent post, “No Country For Old Macro”, when a subscriber left the following comment:
Macro = atlantic ocean with 100m height of waves
Investors = the sailing ship
Only the macro huge sailing ship may survive in the wavy Atlantic ocean especially during the storm.
Poor retailer = sure die in the Atlantic ocean
For me it has haiku qualities - referencing nature to make a deeper point. As it so happens I am near Montserrat so was feeling inspired to turn this comment into a haiku - not hard with this view:
I took the comments above and here are my efforts. First two on risks in the market:
Easy breeze, strong current
Mr portfolio goes ever higher
Out of sight, winds rise
Or alternatively:
Acorn has grown over time
Mighty oak - summer tree
Winter snow, heavy weight, bough snaps
These are a bearish haiku What would a bullish one look like?
On US dominance:
The bald eagle soars so high
Old eyes follow up
Has she left them behind?
Or perhaps for the crypto bulls:
Promises flow like water
But I need and seek only one
Proof of work - bitcoin
Think you can do better?!? (I really hope so!) I am offering a free 6 month paid subscription worth 380,000 Korean Won(!), or a signed cap by (potential) motor sport star Jarrett Clark, or 30 min zoom chat with me - whatever you fancy. You have one week - you can reply directly to this post or in the comments.
If you have never written a haiku they are a poem of three lines with 5 syllables in first line followed by 7 and then 5 again. It should reference nature in some way. Good luck!
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