Paul McCalley (former chief economist at Pimco) noted that inflation was the return to labor. He said that on an Odd Lots podcast. Check it out. Fits with your comment

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I agree with your comments Russell.

I think that the wildcard to watch is immigration - especially in the English-speaking world there has been a big upsurge in net migration, the cynic would say that it's intention is wage-suppression. Given the many routes (students, family, asylum, work) available and lack of any seeming ability to constrain numbers I think it's still too early to say that pro-labour policies have won.

In fact just as Volcker slayed inflation and decisively turned the tide pro-capital, I'd say that whoever is able to successfully constrain immigration will be remembered as the one who turned the tide pro-labour.

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I very much agree and had intention for some time already to post similar comment regarding imigration under one of Russell's articles claiming policy is turning pro-labour.

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Its the obvious road to political victory. Voters tend not to like populists in power, as they tend to be pretty bad managers (Trump, Johnson etc) - but when the political parties dont give them what they want, what are they supposed to do?

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