This implies that if the tech bull market is over for some reason, the Dollar would need to weaken.

What is your opinion on the share of semi contribution to a tech bull market. I mean we have seen a bull market pretty much since more than a decade, and it was mostly led by tech companies, but not only by those were involved in the semi industry or manufacturing of tech supplements of any kind.

Lastly, do you think there is any chance of the tech bull market being in the late cycle or at an inflection point of being soon over?

Appreciate your great work.

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My thinking is that the country with the leading edge in tech could see capital flows. It explains the strength of the Yen in 1980s, and also explains some of the recent strength in CNY as it has some leading edge tech in payments, facial recognition and quantum mechanics.

I dont know if tech bull market is over - but there certainly seems room for disappointment. Prices have been rising in what should be a deflationary industry - (tech should cause prices to fall...) so if we get some deflation, then earning will miss massively

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Interesting observation.

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You keep eliminating suspects - eventually you are left with only one option....

The big irony is that bitcoin, which is seen as US debasement trade - which drives semi demand - which drive US dollar? File under strange but true....

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