Strangely, I would argue that conservatives got destroyed from 1940s to 1970s, losing all the important political battles. Ultimately this coalesced around new political structures that have furthered the pro-capital views. But now there is nothing left to really fight for - all the battles have been won.
That why, pro-labour policies get pushed through with barely any comment? Where is the conservative calls for a balanced budget? Or to cut tariffs? None. Victory has defeated them
Well lets put it this way. in 2021, I read what the Chinese regulators were planning to do, and I went out and shorted Chinese tech. When I am convinced US regulators have the ability to do what Chinese regulators did - then Nasdaq is a short. When will that be is anyone's guess
Also... keep this ad a headline for a future piece when you start your fund, it's the best synopsis I've read about the USA in a long-time:
"How can a country be rich, broke and dying at the same time?"
Last time that happened was in the period of the Robber Barons, it ended with the Labour Rights movement, institution of 90% taxes on wealth, and the Progressive Movements.... oh and two very large World Wars...
Your fellow substacker BowTiedBull is saying many of the same things you are. He’s a cartoon avatar who is obsessed with crypto but sees the politics playing out in exactly the same way. It’s interesting to see two people coming to the same conclusion from wildly different beginning places.
6-3 Supreme court. The FTC makes headlines but the court will maintain rules enabling further market concentration for the foreseeable future.
Strangely, I would argue that conservatives got destroyed from 1940s to 1970s, losing all the important political battles. Ultimately this coalesced around new political structures that have furthered the pro-capital views. But now there is nothing left to really fight for - all the battles have been won.
That why, pro-labour policies get pushed through with barely any comment? Where is the conservative calls for a balanced budget? Or to cut tariffs? None. Victory has defeated them
Are you going to short part of the nasdaq?
Well lets put it this way. in 2021, I read what the Chinese regulators were planning to do, and I went out and shorted Chinese tech. When I am convinced US regulators have the ability to do what Chinese regulators did - then Nasdaq is a short. When will that be is anyone's guess
Great piece Russell 😂
He was 41!!!! Jeepers!
This is the best headline I've read in 2023. Thanks for the laugh! 😂 As the saying goes, the more shit changes, the more it stays the same.
Also... keep this ad a headline for a future piece when you start your fund, it's the best synopsis I've read about the USA in a long-time:
"How can a country be rich, broke and dying at the same time?"
Last time that happened was in the period of the Robber Barons, it ended with the Labour Rights movement, institution of 90% taxes on wealth, and the Progressive Movements.... oh and two very large World Wars...
Politics is always about choosing between bad options, and choosing the one that gets you votes
Your fellow substacker BowTiedBull is saying many of the same things you are. He’s a cartoon avatar who is obsessed with crypto but sees the politics playing out in exactly the same way. It’s interesting to see two people coming to the same conclusion from wildly different beginning places.
Better being a computer?
I for one welcome our AI overlords