Really interesting take on the comparative landscape, vis a vis China and US. I just finished reading "2034" which provides a frightening hypothetical scenario if this clash of titans continues, especially in the political arena

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Excellent article and a good continuation of your last post. However I’m not sure what you mean when you say this; “The experience of the post World War II period is that trying to lift all boats is a winning policy, and yet markets are pricing in the opposite outcome.” What are you alluding to that markets pricing in? Inflation, mega cap Tech continuing to win, supply chain beneficiaries also winning?

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China is still pursuing a free trade policy, while the US is moving to selective trade policy. History shows free trade as being more effective - but US assets trade at a substantial premium to Chinese assets

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Supportive of your view would be China banning Bitcoin

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Supportive of your view would be China banning Bitcoin

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I dont know... if banning bitcoin was to boost the eRMB then yes... if it was to stop capital outflows then not really. The truth.is probably somewhere in between

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