The Universities are seen as a business, I know I have worked in London, Barcelona and Hobart, Tasmania.

Uni students are told to put education only and not seeking PR (permanent residency). Then as the finish course apply for PR, lots of private colleges to do Diplomas, so can extend visa, in time they get PR.

I work in College now, students tell you they have it planned, they have to pass, then get any job and after 3 years in regional area in Australia get PR, then plan to sponsor sister and then get their Mother over.

Real issue not students that work, but the hordes arriving on the beach each week that do not work, will take years of costly education to even speak enough English to work.

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I cannot comment on UK student visas, but if it's anything like Australia, students visas are mostly just a path to permanent residency and then citizenship - far from short term visas. Proponents of Big Australia are working together.

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Why not increase the fees for overseas or specifically Chinese students rather than domestic students?

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Maybe that comes next

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Universities , Landlords, Retailers amongst many others rely on the revenues brought into the UK from rich foreign students. Only a fool would seek to cut of this vital stream of income and soft power. By the way have have fools running the country!

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I'll take "what is 'borrow more money!'?" for £500 and the Daily Double, Chuck!

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Similar situation here in Australia too Russell

We have seen a steep increase in students from South Asia and Latin America since COVID.

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Does UCL £31k fee include accommodation?

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Wow expensive. Very similar in Ireland. Big push for international students on campus, but student accommodation is still a big problem.

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