What's the plan?
I plan to publish research and opinions on this website going forward. At some point I will go to a paid option. Paying subscribers will get access to posts immediately, and will be able to comment. They will also be able to get feedback from me. If the paid model works, and covers my costs and living expenses, then I will continue with the model. Free subscribers will need to wait two weeks to access posts, and will not be able to comment.
I am planning to keep subscription costs low at GBP 350 a year. I want the relationship to be personal rather than corporate. There are benefits to me and you from such arrangement.
At GBP 350 a year, I can post about whatever I want, whenever I want, and still feel I am providing value to you.
At GBP 350 a year, most subscribers can pay this as a personal expense without needing corporate sign off. It also leaves my research available for smaller investors. It also means that when people move jobs, access to this newsletter will move with them.
However, unless I generate a critical mass of paying subscribers, I will likely need to go back to institutional work. So if you like what I am doing, become a paid subscriber, otherwise I will not be able to continue posting.
All of the above is subject to change as I try and make this business model work, but I believe offers an attractive proposition for you and me.
Thank you for your support.