Apr 11Liked by Russell Clark

#5 especially rings true to me. In all my years freelancing I have never once used a contract. I only deal with clients I trust.

Nice spike in 10-year tsy rates today. Your short TLT/long GLD trade looks to be bouncing back as the market finally digests that inflation is here to stay.

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Excellent post

I think especially the part about children really resonates with me

Think of the fertility crisis 😜

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The parent's tension is allowing them to fail as a learning experience, but not fail so spectacularly as to damage their future.

Very good thoughts here, thanks

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Great write up. I’m sending it to my youngest now.

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Kids are never fans of being allowed to fail!

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LOL :) Good point :)

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They definitely don’t want to be preached to by their parents, so a surrogate often helps.

But you’re right. It’s better to let them fail early and learn from that in the safe confines of their family, rather than protecting them and then seeing them fail in the more unforgiving world of school and peers

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