Have you considered whether a community anchored around yourself would make sense in addition to a newsletter?

I would certainly be interested in joining that, and tend to think your theses are distinct from anything currently out there

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Maybe - but I am more a bigger fan of sprinkling family stuff in with the financial stuff. I dont know If I would like just talking about myself all the time!

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Makes total sense - the personal anecdotes are interesting - should clarify that I replied to thread in particular because of the subheading "why I write a newsletter and not a fund"

What I was trying to point out is that I've noticed is that there's actually significant value in communities anchored around managers with a distinct perspective; it's already out there in the wild. But, haven't seen any others which blend commodity and political analysis in your particular style

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Curious Russell how you see the BOE being effective this late. The BOE failure to act goes back to Carney's time. The UK imports a lot of inflation and it also has a considerable short dated mortgage market, so as the BOE raises rates a lot are going to get squeezed quite quickly on variable rates.

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BOE follows politicians lead I think. If inflation is an issue, then the BOE will come under pressure to act. For years, politicians have wanted rising house prices, as that has been a vote winner - but now I think inflation is the main issue. Both Australia and NZ have begun central bank reviews, surely the UK will follow.

My other argument is if we favour labour over capital, then you prefer a strong currency to a weak one, as it keeps real wages strong, while not being great for profits.

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Nice RevPar growth uplift in the German expansion. Headroom in occupancy (6-7%) should historic trends revert. Would be interested in general aesthetic/ whether CAPEX is needed on existing capacity and quality of staff. Stayed a lot there in Stirling and it wasn’t kind to my belt buckle. Enjoy the Karting.

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If i buy from a 64 shares from a broker how does Whitbread know Im eligible?

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You need to call or email them - detail at link above

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