
China Wholesale Pork Price. It is on Bloomberg and matched up with USDA pricing

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Pork? Not petroleum?

Large farms rely heavily on petroleum to till, plant, spray, water, harvest, and transport to distribution centers.

Then the next chain takes over, driven by petroleum.

The process finishes with the consumer driving a petroleum fuels vehicle to and from the market.

Pork has little to do with this.

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The cost of energy to harvest this year's crops and to plant next year's, no matter what country you look at, tells you that inflation will continue. Add in the cost of fertilizer and the failure of crops due to drought or flooding and there is no possibility food costs are going down. We are eating last year's harvest now so next year's prices will be a higher.

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are you using Dalian Pork futures price for China Hog price? If not, what price are you using?

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Excellent. Will you be pulling the thread on Beef Imports in China? Cheers

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